Public Research & Flagship Projects

Fraunhofer IZFP's activities are embedded in a wide range of publicly funded research projects. This comprises the planning, coordination and implementation of both, national and international research projects.  

The institute zeroes in on application-oriented, scientific and technical state-of-the-art system and sensor system development. Such systems are designed and developed for a wide range of applications. Examples include

  • the development of sensor systems to optimize the quality of processes and products,
  • digitization schemes and strategies for hightech "industry 4.0" projects,
  • the monitoring of failure critical and/or highly stressed components and plants,
  • but also the exploitation of new application fields for developments concerning the entire value chain of the product life cycle.


Flagship projects – Reducing Time to Market

Fraunhofer is tackling the current challenges facing industry head on. Its lighthouse projects put the focus on strategic objectives with a view to developing practical solutions from which economies such as Germany’s can benefit. The topics these projects address are geared towards economic requirements. By pooling their expertise and involving industrial partners at an early stage, the Fraunhofer Institutes involved in the projects aim to turn original scientific ideas into marketable products as quickly as possible



Embedded electronic solutions for polymer innovative scanning tools using light emitting devices for diagnostic routines



Empathetic technical systems for resilient production



AI-based object recognition and adaptive control for intelligent, bio-inspired robotic gripping systems for embedding in Industry 4.0 environments



Flexible and scalable cyber-physical production systems for the assembly of fuel cell stacks



Intelligent, multimodal and autonomous building inspection using edge computing



Innovative structural materials for future nuclear reactors



Determining damage to pipelines over long distances with ultrasound computed tomography



AI-supported optimization of the recycling of plastic packaging



Fraunhofer flagship project ORCHESTER: Digital ecosystem for a resilient and sustainable supply of functionally reliable materials



Reliability of non-destructive test methods for determining the longitudinal rail tension in the track under changing seasons and variable test environments



The project paves the way for a circular economy for machine parts



Micromagnetic nondestructive characterization of operational material changes in upcoming foreign nuclear power plants



Development of methods for the self-configuration of robot processes



Development of an interactive sensor system for recording animal activity for intelligent, group-specific optimization of the barn environment in pig fattening



Research into structural materials for the long-term operation of light water reactor



Development of a mobile application for sustainable transportation in an urban environment using a gamification approach and real-time life cycle analysis



Novel ultrasonic and seismic embedded sensors for the nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring of infrastructure and human-built objects



Visualization of properties and defects in steel components using intelligent magneto-optical sensor technology



Fraunhofer flagship project “Waste4Future“: From waste to raw material – green molecules for chemistry



Development of a method for determining the service life of rotor blade coatings



Hybrid method for the non-destructive evaluation and tomographic assessment of thick-walled reinforced concrete structures in nuclear facilities



Imaging material analysis using magneto-optical sensor technology for rapid quality assurance of steel components



Condition monitoring system based on electromagnetically excited ultrasonic transducers



Increasing the economic efficiency of aquaculture systems using machine learning



Computer-aided assessment of the strength of large cast components made of nodular graphite cast iron on the basis of virtual limit patterns



Nondestructive evaluation system for the inspection of operational material degradation in nuclear power plants



Nondestructive characterization and monitoring of ageing phenomena in cable insulation in the context of reactor safety



Process-integrated in-line quality assurance of joints for lightweight construction in the automotive industry


TeaM Cables

Tools and methods for efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant cables



Development and procurement of a reconfigurable terahertz sensor and sounding platform