
The “Re-Machine“ project is paving the way for a circular economy for machine parts. As the material is currently remelted in an energy-intensive process at best, concepts and technologies are being developed in “Re-Machine“ that should make it possible to reliably inspect entire components after use and make them available for further use. Compared to remelting or manufacturing from primary raw materials, the concept aims to significantly reduce ecological footprints and economic costs. 

“Re-Machine“ is developing the necessary technologies and business models using the example of bolts in wind turbines and verifying their ecological viability by carrying out targeted life cycle assessments. Bolts are widely used, standardized components and an essential connecting element in wind turbines. However, their reuse has rarely been the subject of scientific research.

While “Re-Machine“ focuses on a well-known standardized machine part, the necessary technologies are much more complicated. The decision to reuse should be made independently of the previous use: If the bolt meets the requirements for a new bolt or a specification for used bolts in all relevant properties, then it is assessed as reusable, regardless of how often it was installed and how heavily it was loaded. For this purpose, various sensor technologies are used to create a three-dimensional data space of the bolt in which all relevant data is stored. This information is then evaluated by algorithms with regard to a condition prediction, in which the test data and other metadata are merged with the criteria for reuse in an automated process and evaluated. For the user of the technology, this process is simple: the bolt is inserted into the demonstrator and a binary statement on reusability is made within a short time. The algorithms for data analysis and condition assessment are trained with a set of bolts of representative conditions generated in the “Re-Machine“ project and verified with regard to their reliability and traceability.


The consortium is made up of the following institutes: 

  • Fraunhofer IZFP (main project management): Sensor and data systems
  • Fraunhofer IGP: Mechanical criteria and requirements 
  • Fraunhofer IWES: Condition prediction and life cycle assessment 



Project Partners: Fraunhofer IGP and IWES

Funding Program: PREPARE Program of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Project Term: 05/2023 to 04/2026

Total Funding: approx. 3.37 million €