Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP
Sensor and Data Systems for Safety, Sustainability, and Efficiency
Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP
Sensor and Data Systems for Safety, Sustainability, and Efficiency
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Fraunhofer IZFP
Fraunhofer IZFP
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Field 1: Unconventional sensor systems for volume and surface properties
Field 2: Software and services for sensor data management along the data value chain
Field 3: Software and services for data analysis and data value creation with AI and ML techniques
Field 4: Consulting and holistic services around measurement, testing, data value creation and standardization
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Competence centre develops solution for early detection of harmful water ingress in critical infrastructure, 3.2.2025, BINDT
Fraunhofer IZFP Redefines Infrastructure Monitoring, 7.1.2025, One Stop NDT
Fraunhofer and Klaus Faber AG Announces SmartWire-Sensor for Infrastructure, 20.11.2024, OnestopNDT
Digital production platform for sustainable steel production, 4.11.2024, METEC
Digital production platform aims to make steel production more sustainable and energy-efficient, 4.11.2024, idw News
Fraunhofer IZFP develops PASAWIS system for complete manual inspection of railway wheelsets, 5.11.2024, BINDT News
Using Edge AI: Continuous Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure (p. 12-13), 09/2024, IVAM Fachverband für Mikrotechnik, Magazin inno
Fraunhofer IZFP at InnoTrans 2024: “PASAWIS” – system for complete manual inspection of railway wheelsets, 10.9.2024, Research in Germany, BMBF
NDT for hardened gears: heat penetration depth, surface hardening layer depth and core hardness, 24.5.2024, COMPRACO - Indústria e Construção
PASAWIS: The Comprehensive Solution for Railway Wheelset Inspection, 21.5.2024, Railway-News
5 million euros for the circular economy: Saarland invests in research collaborations, 2.5.2024, idw News
Revamped plastics recycling chain, 6.3.2024,
Smart sensors sort plastic waste to boost recycling and prevent carbon emissions, 1.3.2024, Institution of Mechanical Engineers
SeConRob Project Unlocks the Future of Manufacturing, 12.1.2024, SPAENER
Unlocking the Future of Manufacturing: Introducing “SeConRob“ Project, 11.1.2024, innovations report
Unlocking the Future of Manufacturing: Introducing “SeConRob“ Project, 10.1.2024, idw News
Distributed sensor electronics for energy-efficient and predictive maintenance of structures, 2.10.2023, News
Better with Plastic, Fraunhofer Magazine | Issue 3/2023
The PASAWIS System for Complete Inspection of Railway Wheelsets, 2.5.2023, EVIDENT Industrial
Archive Media Voices
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What do gecko feet and intelligent robotic gripping systems have in common?, 9.12.2022, nanowerk
Fraunhofer USA 2nd Executive Summit: Resilience in Press Hardening Technology, 10.10.2022, Automation Alley
Dopage mécanique: Les terribles accusations, 31.7.2022,
Mechanical doping: The terrible accusations, 31.7.2022, Sports Fuat
50 years of Fraunhofer IZFP – 50 years of Fraunhofer top research in Saarland, 3.6.2022, idw online
Innovative artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to shorten aircraft development times, 1.4.2022,
New Fraunhofer Center for Sensor Intelligence in Saarland, 1.3.2022,
Fraunhofer etablerer center for 'sensorintelligens', 28.2.2022, Elek-Data
Fraunhofer opens new center for sensor intelligence in Saarland, 24.2.2022, Science|Business
New Fraunhofer Center for Sensor Intelligence to open in Saarland, 24.2.2022,
Fraunhofer IZFP @ EuroBLECH 2022: Quality assurance and reliable identification of sheet metal parts in production, 2.11.2021, News
SWO Netz installs smart wall anchors: Fraunhofer IZFP research project in Osnabrück, 15.10.2021, News
Condition Monitoring Of Drive Trains By Data Fusion Of Acoustic Emission And Vibration Sensors, 13.8.2021, SemiconductorEngineering
Recent Non-Destructive Testing Developments for Steel Structures, 16.6.2021, AZO Materials
New “Waste4Future” Project to Develop New Solutions for Plastics Recycling, 12.5.2021, SpecialChem
New Plastic Recycling Project Aims to Achieve Carbon Circular Economy, 11.5.2021, Omnexus - The material selection platform
Characterization and Monitoring of Metal-CFRP-Hybrid Structures, 9.5.2021, Open Access Journal by MDPI
Valuable resources derived from waste, 7.5.2021, Textile Technology
Fraunhofer Institutes launch circular carbon project, 7.5.2021, Plastics in Packaging
New project from Fraunhofer hopes to pave the way for new plastics recycling methods, 6.5.2021, Packaging Europe
"Waste4Future": Keeping plastics in the loop, 5.5.2021, BKV Plastics Concepts Recovery
Today’s waste becomes tomorrow’s resource: “Waste4Future” paves new ways for plastics recycling, 4.5.2021, PETplanet
Machine Learning Based Preprocessing to Ensure Validity of Cross-Correlated Ultrasound Signals for Time-of-Flight Measurements, 6.2.2021, SpringerLink
Acoustic process monitoring in laser beam welding, 13.1.2021, ScienceDirect
A Deep Learning Method for the Impact Damage Segmentationof Curve-Shaped CFRP Specimens Inspected byInfrared Thermography, 8.1.2021, Sensors 2021, MDPI
Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation as a Tool for Multiclass Face Analysis in Thermal Infrared, 3.1.2021, SpringerLink
Announcement of the ADVISE & NOMAD joint workshop on 4-5 May 2021, 31.12.2020, ADVISE Blog
Feasibility of a bio-based circular economy, 21.12.2020, techtex TRENDS
How Do We Want to Run Our Economy and Production?, 21.12.2020, Bioeconomy BW
EU project NOMAD, 12.12.2020, Swiss Safety Center Akademie
Next Generation NDE Sensor Systems as IIoT Elements of Industry 4.0, 12.11.2020, Taylor & Francis Online
Predecir la degradación de la vasija por operación a largo plazo: NOMAD, 4.11.2020, tecnatom
”Vivid” images for improved quality assurance of steel components, 30.4.2020, uncovr
TU Ilmenau and Fraunhofer IZFP develop intelligent sensor technology for processing Big Data, Issue 2019-11,
Teknologiakampus Turku rakentaa yhteistyötä saksalaisen Fraunhofer-säätiön kanssa, 4.9.2019, Turku Business Region
Under scrutiny: Automated induction thermography for surface crack testing of forgings, Issue 2019-09,
Under scrutiny: Automated induction thermography for surface crack testing of forgings, 23.8.2019, openPR
Under scrutiny: Automated induction thermography for surface crack testing of forgings, 23.8.2019, innovations report
Fraunhofer IZFP at GIFA 2019: Robot-assisted sensor system for the quality monitoring of hybrid parts and components, Issue 2019-07,
New materials for NP were discussed in Warsaw, 25.6.2019, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
Rolling in Memphis: Chilly and Scorching Rolling Day 2019, 21.6.2019, Artificial Intelligence Informational Blog
Cold and Hot Rolling Day, 21.6.2019, MetalWorld
Rolling in Memphis: Cold and Hot Rolling Day 2019, 21.6.2019, Robotics & Automation
Fraunhofer IZFP at GIFA 2019: Robot-assisted sensor system for the quality monitoring of hybrid parts, 18.6.2019, openPR
Robotsysteem als kwaliteitscontroleur, 14.6.2019, The Factory Files
Fraunhofer IZFP at GIFA 2019: Robot-assisted sensor system for the quality monitoring of hybrid parts and components, 13.6.2019, (idw) News
Robot-assisted sensor system for the quality monitoring of hybrid parts and components, 13.6.2019, innovations report
Fraunhofer Institute presents inspECT-PRO broadband eddy current probe, 31.5.2019,
Fraunhofer versimpelt materiaalinspectie met nieuw wervelstroomplatform, 6.5.2019, ab aandrijvenen &besturen
Acoustic monitoring of machines and systems, Issue 2019-05, Microelectronics News
Material inspection made easy: Fraunhofer scientists develop universally applicable broadband eddy current electronics, Issue 2019-05,
Fraunhofer scientists develop universally applicable broadband eddy current electronics, 9.4.2019, innovations report
Acoustic Recognition of Failures in Machines and Systems, 31.1.2019, Springer Professional
The Ear on the Machine, 21.1.2019,
Reliable Detection of Failure with a Sensor System that Learns to "Hear", 31.12.2018,
Sensorsysteem detecteert machinestoringen op ‘gehoor’, 10.12.2018,
Sensorsysteem detecteert machinestoringen op ‘gehoor’, 6.12.2018,
A sensor system learns to "hear": Reliable detection of failures in machines and systems, 5.12.2018, innovations report
Sensor system identifies mechanical faults by acoustic measurements, 5.12.2018, eeNews Europe
Robotgestuurd sensorsysteem van Fraunhofer IZFP zorgt voor kwaliteitsborging materiaal, 25.10.2018, ab aandrijven & besturen
Robot-assisted sensor system for quality assurance, 18.10.2018, COMPAMED Magazine
Robot-assisted sensor system for quality assurance of press-hardened components, 17.10.2018, innovations report
NOMAD develops techniques to monitor vessel steel closely, 2.7.2018, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN)
Non‐destructive assessment of retaining wall of former coal mine plant, 12.6.2018, Wiley
The Future of Nondestructive Testing in the Context of Industry 4.0, 9.4.2018, Control Engineering Polska
Engineering wind energy, 27.3.2018, Government EUROPA
Air Marine recrute 39 salariés et lève 250.000 €, 15.2.2018, La Tribune, Bordeaux:
Smart sensors for efficient processes, innovations report, 16.10.2017
Nondestructive inspection of CFRP using active thermography, Carbon Composites Magazin 3/2017
Moteurs cachés dans les vélos : ça ne tourne toujours pas rond, France TV Sport, 3.9.2017
UCI tests against hidden motors may be ineffective, new report, Canadian Cycling Magazine, 3.9.2017
Fresh doubt over UCI tablets for hidden motors, Stickybottle, 3.9.2017
Nondestructive cable monitoring in nuclear power plants, Microelectronics News, August 2017, 67, Page 12
Looking inside materials the smart way, Microelectronics News, August 2017, 67, Page 10
Fraunhofer’s Nondestructive Strength Test to Rid Wind Turbines of Dross, World Industrial Reporter, 20.6.2017
Functional life of wind turbines enhanced by strength testing, Digital Journal, 10.6.2017
Wind turbines: The strength test, Science Daily, 9.6.2017
Non-destructive characterisation of laser hardened steels, Insight, Vol. 59, No.6, June 2017
Avoiding material inclusions such as dross in wind turbines,, 1.6.2017
Enhanced safety by nondestructive testing of cable insulation in European nuclear power plants,, 05/2017
Quick and easy: Nondestructive Testing of casting materials at Fraunhofer IZFP
Georadar - a very unclear picture of a Nazi gold train 'discovery' in Poland
EEN-Network assists Fraunhofer IZFP with the search for partner