ReSolar³ - Digitalization and optimization of the circular economy of photovoltaic systems using intelligent sensor technology

ReSolar³ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF

In the “ReSolar3“ project, the recycling of solar modules is to be optimized in terms of resources using digital evaluation tools. To this end, quality-relevant characteristics are recorded using nondestructive testing methods on modules that have already been used. The recorded data is collected, processed and stored in a data management platform. With the help of the user partner's expertise, the data is analyzed and machine learning models are developed in the form of a “decision algorithm“ that makes a prediction about the service life, condition and optimal recycling of the modules. The recycling options for the solar modules are divided into recycling, refurbishment and reuse or combinations of these variants. The end result is the most resource-efficient recycling of a solar module, which is shown by a demonstrator.

While Solar Materials GmbH provides its expertise in the evaluation, processing and recycling of solar panels in the ReSolar³ project, Batix Software GmbH is responsible for the AI and data management. Fraunhofer IZFP is developing both the sensor technology for assessing the condition of solar panels and the sensor-related data processing.

ReSolar³ Key Data

Joint Project
Funding Authority: BMBF (KMU-innovativ)
Project Term: 04/2024 to 03/2026
Funding Amount Fraunhofer IZFP: approx. 1.045.000 €
Total Volume: approx. 1.475.000 €
Project Partners: Fraunhofer IZFP, Solar Materials GmbH, Batix Software GmbH