© EU

Nuclear reactors provide sustainable base load energy and are crucial for the transition to green energy in Europe. The safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors depends to a large extent on the performance of the materials used in their construction. The EU-funded CONNECT-NM project aims to drive innovation in nuclear materials for all generations of reactors. To this end, modern digital technologies are combined with materials science. The project work is based on the following research lines:

1. creating platforms for faster research work on nuclear materials

2. provision of test environments for qualification

3. development of intelligent technologies for condition monitoring during operation

4. development of advanced methods for predicting this material behavior

5. introduction of an organizational system for data on nuclear materials. 

The consortium will also cooperate with several organizations to optimize nuclear safety, expertise and data management. The results will provide an essential basis for innovative technologies on nuclear materials and nuclear energy.

The project consortium includes 23 research institutions, 11 universities, six companies, one public authority and five European technology platforms.

Due to its expertise in the field of cognitive sensor systems, sensor materials and AI-based data evaluation, Fraunhofer IZFP is responsible for managing the research line “Development of intelligent technologies for condition monitoring during operation”. This includes the revision of the strategic research agenda, the development of the stakeholder map in the field of fusion and non-nuclear energy, the technical preparation of the open calls on the topic of “Development of intelligent technologies for condition monitoring in operation” as well as the support and monitoring of the projects within the above-mentioned research line.


EU co-financed partnership

Funding Authority: European Union

Funding Reference: 101165375

Project Term: 10/2024 to 09/2029

Total Funding: approx. 20 million €