© NEXT. robotics, INNOCISE

GecKI is the acronym for “AI-based object recognition and adaptive control for intelligent, bio-inspired robotic gripping systems for embedding in Industry 4.0 environments“.

The aim of the joint project is to further develop methods of artificial intelligence in order to design a novel bio-inspired system that enables auto-adaptive robot-assisted manipulation with object recognition.

This results in the central initial question of the research project: How can artificial intelligence be used to create the most versatile and energy-efficient gripping system possible, which can be used by SMEs and large companies alike to make a leap in terms of intelligent, self-regulating and thus adaptable handling processes?

The project will contribute to increase the economic efficiency of flexible and changing productions so that the business location Germany remains competitive and takes a leading role in the field of technological innovations for highly flexible production techniques.

The capabilities of the AI-based gripping system will be organized into different levels that increase in complexity and represent different levels of integration in industrial environments. On a test setup, the AI, including training methods, will be developed and transferred to demonstrator applications for validation. The applications will be adaptable to different robotic systems. Besides the scientific excellence of the results, a publicly available demonstration of GecKI will be the second main goal.

The novel possibilities for the use of the intelligent gripping systems result in the cooperation with accompanying industrial companies, in the increase of user-friendliness and in the broad visibility of the achieved results of the research project. Close integration and early discussion with end users in addition to purely scientific work will ensure subsequent value creation for society through GecKI.

The project consortium comprises “INNOCISE GmbH“, "NEXT. robotics GmbH & Co. KG"“ (entrepreneurial side) and Fraunhofer IZFP (research side).

As a spin-off from INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials, INNOCISE can build on more than 10 years of scientific research. This is complemented by the experience of Fraunhofer IZFP in the field of cognitive sensor systems, sensor materials and AI-based data evaluation.



GecKI Key Data

Joint project

Funded by: BMBF (DLR)

Funding code: 01IS21035B

Duration: 09/2021 until 08/2024

Funding amount: approx. 1.5 M €

Press Release, 9.12.2022

What do “gecko feet“ and intelligent robotic gripping systems have in common?