Research Center for Sensor Materials and Sensor Systems “MatBeyoNDT“

Welcome to the website of the “MatBeyoNDT“ research group at Fraunhofer IZFP

We are an interdisciplinary team of materials scientists, electronics engineers and software developers working on method development for new applications of physical sensor systems from material characterization to livestock farming. Our core competence is the customized development of physical measurement systems from material interaction to data processing and practical test systems.

Learn more about our team, our research topics and current funded research projects on the following pages. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

Over two thirds of all technical innovations are directly or indirectly attributable to new materials. Materials science therefore plays a key role in meeting the increasing demands and functions of commercially available products in industry due to the ever-increasing requirements for the materials to be used.

In many industrial sectors and in the production of consumer goods, there is an increasing move away from non-specific applications towards individual solutions adapted to specific applications. This development has a direct impact on the type and complexity of materials and, accordingly, on the material development process. In addition to the standard material properties, many other options are already available at laboratory level to influence material behavior. As the complexity of materials increases, so do the requirements for characterization methods to describe them and enable their industrial use.


Fraunhofer IZFP Research Center “MatBeyoNDT“

At Fraunhofer IZFP, the known non-destructive testing methods are being prepared for the changes in the industrial process environment. On the one hand, this is done by taking a holistic view of the life cycle of a product and the role that non-destructive methods play in it. All data, processes and conditions relating to the product under consideration are understood and used as information carriers. Furthermore, this approach places completely new demands on data processing and on understanding the interaction mechanisms of non-destructive testing methods with the product and its environment.

In order to be able to map the complexity of material innovations, the methods for their characterization must also be further developed. In order to understand the materials, not just a single test method can be used, but a combination of several, which, together with advanced computer-based methods for data processing, provide information about complex materials or lead to the development of new sensor materials.

MatBeyoNDT accompanies the development of future material innovations from initial laboratory tests to large-scale industrial quality assurance. In this way, the requirements for testing methods are determined and further developed so that they can be marketed as industrially suitable testing systems. This helps to ensure that more complex materials such as programmable materials can be increasingly used in industry.

While the MatBeyoNDT group is very broadly positioned and aims to develop a variety of interesting projects in the field of materials with 3D architecture, two global topics will particularly shape the group in the coming years: Additive manufacturing processes will dominate the way 3D-structured materials are produced and digitalization in materials science will determine how data describing materials and processes are handled in the future.


Fraunhofer research grant “Attract“ - From the idea to innovation

The MatBeyoNDT research group is funded by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as part of the Fraunhofer research grant “Attract“. It offers outstanding external scientists the opportunity to advance their ideas towards application within an optimally equipped Fraunhofer Institute close to the market. The scientist has a maximum budget of 2.5 million euros over 5 years to set up and lead a group. The aim is to consolidate the respective research topic on the basis of personal expertise beyond the funding period and thus contribute to the future strategy of the respective institute.


Acoustic methods for metamaterials

Development of non-destructive characterization methods to determine the acoustic properties of metamaterials


Coded ultrasound methods and applications

Optimization of existing NDT processes in terms of speed, interference immunity and accuracy using coded ultrasound


Characterization under multimodal stress

Development of non-destructive in-situ characterization methods to predict the state of damage


Data methods for new sensor systems

Creating added value in conventional sensor technology by means of intelligent data processing


Monitoring of mechanical and microstructural stress states


Multimodal sensor-based assistance systems


NDT for dynamic tests on metamaterials

Development of acoustic measurement methods for the non-destructive characterization of metamaterials


Powder characterization for AM components

To improve the quality and reduce the post-treatment of additively manufactured components and to increase the cost-effectiveness of the manufacturing process


Programmable materials and metamaterials


Dr.-Ing. Sarah Fischer

Head of research center “MatBeyoNDT“


Michael Becker

Scientific project manager

Michael Ganster

Research associate


Simon Herter

Doctoral candidate

Bashar Ibrahim

Project engineer

Lea Sophie Kollmannsperger

Doctoral candidate

Rebecca Kose

Doctoral candidate

Marius Schäfer

Doctoral candidate

Alina Ehre

Student assistant

Kshema George

Student assistant

Monseej Purkayastha

Student assistant

Valentina Restrepo

Student assistant

Coming soon!

Here you will find publications of the "MatBeyoNDT" group dating back to 2020.

Publication Type
2024 Akustische Freifeldeigenschaften komplexer Materialsysteme im geschlossenen Akustik-Rohr
Becker, Michael; Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2024 Akustische Charakterisierung des Schädigungsverhaltens von AlSi10Mg-LPBF-Gitterstrukturen unter zyklischer Belastung
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2024 Modular, Physically Motivated Simulation Model of an Ultrasonic Testing System
Schäfer, Marius; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 Identifying Factors Influencing the Properties of Vibroacoustic Metamaterials Using Three Different Acoustic Methods
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Kaal, William; Becker, Michael; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 Acoustic Nondestructive Characterization of Metal Pantographs for Material and Defect Identification
Boyadzhieva, Silviya M.; Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Gutmann, Florian; Straub, Thomas; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2024 Remanent Magnetic Field Scanning of Coating‐Graded Hybrid Foams
Kunz, Francesco; Ibrahim, Bashar; Becker, Michael; Gao, Haibin; Fischer, Sarah; Jung, Anne
Journal Article
2024 Simulation-based approach to estimate influencing factors on acoustic resonance spectra of additively manufactured mechanical metamaterials
Boyadzhieva, Silviya M.; Gutmann, Florian; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 Untersuchung des Einsatzes von akustischer Überwachung in einem Assistenzsystem für die Schweinehaltung
Bollmann, Katharina; Nicolaisen, Thies J.; Ganster, Michael; Herter, Simon; Hennig-Pauka, Isabel; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2024 Evaluation of a Local Acoustic Resonance Method for Coating Thickness Determination on Stochastic Metal Hybrid Foams
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Kunz, Francesco; Becker, Michael; Jung, Anne; Fischer, Sarah C.L.
Journal Article
2024 Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer programmierbaren vibroakustischen Einheitszelle zum gezielten Einstellen von Dämpfungseigenschaften
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Kaal, William; Becker, Michael; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2024 Acoustic emission of lattice structures under cycling loading relates process parameters with fatigue properties
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie; Maurer, Oliver; Kose, Rebecca; Zeuner, André Till; Bähre, Dirk; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 Soft Tactile Coil-Based Sensor for Misalignment Detection of Adhesive Fibrillary Gripping Systems
Herter, Simon; Stopp, Philipp; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2024 Inverse stimulation enables ultrasonic binary coding for NDE using a custom linear testing system
Schäfer, Marius; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2023 Influence of the Dross Formation of the Laser-Cut Edge on the Fatigue Strength of AISI 304
Bach, Julia; Zeuner, André; Wanski, Thomas; Fischer, Sarah; Herwig, Patrick; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Soft Tactile Coil-Based Sensor for Misalignment Detection of Adhesive Fibrillary Gripping Systems
Herter, Simon; Stopp, Philipp; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2023 Controlling Malleability of Metamaterials through Programmable Memory
Wenz, Franziska; Schönfeld, Dennis; Fischer, Sarah; Pretsch, Thorsten; Eberl, Christoph
Journal Article
2023 Ultraschallbasierte in situ Vorspannkraftermittlung an Schrauben ohne Referenzmessung im nicht verspannten Zustand durch Kombination von Longitudinal- und Transversalwellen
Niwinski, Thomas Jerzy; Kraemer, Frank; Klein, Marcus; Oechsner, Matthias; Herter, Simon; Becker, Michael
Journal Article
2023 Design framework for programmable mechanical metamaterial with unconventional damping properties under dynamic loading conditions
Kaal, William; Becker, Michael; Specht, Marius; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2023 Characterization of Filigree Additively Manufactured NiTi Structures Using Micro Tomography and Micromechanical Testing for Metamaterial Material Models
Straub, Thomas; Fell, Jonas; Zabler, Simon; Gustmann, Tobias; Korn, Hannes; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2023 Influence of a Pronounced Pre-Deformation on the Attachment of Melt Droplets and the Fatigue Behavior of Laser-Cut AISI 304
Zeuner, André Till; Wanski, Thomas; Schettler, Sebastian; Fell, Jonas; Wetzig, Andreas; Kühne, Robert; Fischer, Sarah; Zimmermann, Martina
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of the bi Wave Method for Ultrasound Preload Determination in the Field with Machine Learning
Herter, Simon; Becker, Michael; Fischer, Sarah
Conference Paper
2022 Design and Manufacturing of a Metal-Based Mechanical Metamaterial with Tunable Damping Properties
Kappe, Konstantin; Wahl, Jan P.; Gutmann, Florian; Boyadzhieva, Silviya; Hoschke, Klaus; Fischer, Sarah
Journal Article
2022 Vorspannkraft-Monitoring mittels Ultraschallmethoden ohne Referenzmessung
Herter, Simon; Niwinski, Thomas; Klein, Marcus; Oechsner, Matthias; Becker, Michael
Journal Article
2022 Thermoresponsive Programmable Materials
Pretsch, Thorsten; Chalissery, Dilip; Schönfeld, Dennis; Walter, Mario; Andrä, Heiko; Wenz, Franziska; Eberl, Christoph; Weisheit, Linda; Ziervogel, Fabian; Fischer, Sarah
2021 Sichere Offshore-Schraubenverbindungen - verlässliche Überwachung der Vorspannkraft mit Ultraschall
Herter, Simon; Niwinski, Thomas; Klein, Marcus; Becker, Michael M.
2021 Optimization of the Unambiguity of Cross-Correlated Ultrasonic Signals through Coded Excitation Sequences for Robust Time-of-Flight Measurements
Schäfer, Marius; Theado, Hendrik; Becker, Michael M.; Fischer, Sarah C.L.
Journal Article
2021 Machine Learning Based Preprocessing to Ensure Validity of Cross-Correlated Ultrasound Signals for Time-of-Flight Measurements
Herter, Simon; Youssef, Sargon; Becker, Michael M.; Fischer, Sarah C.L.
Journal Article
2020 Nondestructive Characterization of Residual Stresses Using Micromagnetic and Ultrasonic Techniques
Rabung, Madalina; Amiri, Meisam; Becker, Michael M.; Kopp, Melanie; Tschuncky, Ralf; Veile, Ines; Weber, Fabian; Weikert-Müller, Miriam; Szielasko, Klaus
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Mechanical metamaterials on the way from laboratory scale to industrial applications: Challenges for characterization and scalability
Fischer, Sarah C.L.; Hillen, Leonie; Eberl, Christoph
Journal Article
2020 Rückführbare Überprüfung von Ultraschall-Eigenspannungsprüfsystemen für klotzgebremste Eisenbahnräder am Beispiel des neuen UER-mobil Prüfsystems
Becker, Michael; Schuchhardt, Jörg
Conference Paper
2018 Numerical study of resonant frequencies in multi-material microstructures excited by ultrasonic vibrations
Becker, Michael M.; Fischer, Sarah C.L.; Arzt, Eduard; Rabe, Ute
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Here you can find university theses written in the context of “MatBeyoNDT“

Publication Type
2024 Exploring Innovative Strategies for Energy Efficiency and Energy Harvesting in Mobile Sensor Platforms for Urban Monitoring
Prasad, Rachita Guru
Master Thesis
2023 Methodik zur praxisnahen Klassifikation von akustischen Signalen auf Basis von überwachten maschinellen Lernverfahren am Beispiel eines Schweinemastbetriebs
Bollmann, Katharina
Master Thesis
2022 Auslegung und Entwicklung einer verlustarmen Resonanzendstufe inklusive Messelektronik zur Steuerung der Temperatur bei induktiver Erwärmung
Weber, Daniel
Master Thesis
2022 Electronic Design of a Prototype for the Optical Characterization of Liquids and Prediction with a Rule-Based System
Tarazona Cordoba, Natalia
Master Thesis
2022 Optimization of Eddy Current Sensor for Proximity and Deformation Detection
Ibrahim, Bashar
Master Thesis
2022 Entwicklung einer Charakterisierungsmethode für Rohmaterialien von pulverbasierten additiven Fertigungsverfahren
Mathieu, Cedric
Master Thesis
2022 Optimierung eines REM-basierten hochauflösenden Röntgenmikroskops mittels Geant4-Simulation
Kollmannsperger, Lea Sophie
Master Thesis
2021 Acoustic Resonance Testing of Additively Manufactured Mechanical Metamaterials
Boyadzhieva, Silviya
Master Thesis
2021 Charakterisierung des Stoßverhaltens eines strömungsbasierten Dämpfungssystems als Modell für ein Metamaterial
Bollmann, Katharina E.
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Optimierung von korrelationsbasierten Verfahren zur Ultraschalllaufzeitmessung in Hinblick auf Störanfalligkeit und Mehrdeutigkeiten in der Signalauswertung durch Einsatz von "Coded Excitation"
Schäfer, Marius
Master Thesis
2020 Applikation der elektrischen Widerstandsmessung zur Charakterisierung von komplexen metallischen Bauteilen
Posse, Marie-Theres
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Schülerpraktiums zur Vermittlung der Funktionsweise von zerstörungsfreien Verfahren zur Materialcharakterisierung
Stabel, Yolanda Flavia
Bachelor Thesis
2020 Steigerung der Zuverlässigkeit der Laufzeitmessung mittels Machine Learning Algorithmen zur ultraschallbasierten Vorspannkraftbestimmung
Herter, Simon
Master Thesis
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Current research projects



AI-based object recognition and adaptive control for intelligent, bio-inspired robotic gripping systems for embedding in Industry 4.0 environments



Reliability of non-destructive test methods for determining the longitudinal rail tension in the track under changing seasons and variable test environments



Development of an interactive sensor system for recording animal activity for intelligent, group-specific optimization of the barn environment in pig fattening



Development of a mobile application for sustainable transportation in an urban environment using a gamification approach and real-time life cycle analysis

Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Programmable Materials CPM

Materials or material composites whose structure is designed in such a way that their properties can be specifically controlled and reversibly changed.

Expired research projects



Increasing the economic efficiency of aquaculture systems using machine learning

Katharina Bollmann


Silviya Boyadzhieva

Babak Golchoobian

Chinmay Joshi

Dana Marti

Cedric Mathieu

Rachita Prasad

Katrin Pusse

Aparnaa Santosh Bindu

Yolanda Stabel