Media Center

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As image or video reference “Fraunhofer IZFP“ should be named as well as - if stated - the name of the photographer or video producer. By clicking on the photo, you can download the high-resolution image.

Insights into research and development at Fraunhofer IZFP

Copyright: Fraunhofer IZFP / Uwe Bellhäuser


Now online: The new Fraunhofer IZFP image film!

One-stop shop: Mechanical construction and factory

Safe monitoring of infrastructure structures

Ultrasound based measuring system for the determination of inclusions in aluminum melts

Intelligent sensors for the production of tomorrow



Our Institute now interactive!

Take a look at the newly designed interactive presentation of our development and research activities! (subtitles in English)


Video of the research project »SealS II«

Quality Assurance of Fuel Cell Components Using Collaborative Robotics


Our Corporate Video

Insights into our application-oriented research and development activities


NOMAD Project Clip

NOMAD - Nondestructive Evaluation of Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants