Sensor and Data Systems for Safety, Sustainability, and Efficiency

Fraunhofer IZFP is an internationally renowned research and development institute for applied, industry-oriented research with headquarters in Saarbrücken. The institute's activities focus on the development of intelligent sensor and data systems for safety, sustainability and efficiency. The results of its R&D work are used in business and industry. The scientific-technological solutions support science and industry and at the same time contribute to shaping our society and our future.

In addition to customized sensor systems, sensor data management, data analysis and data value creation with AI and machine learning techniques, the R&D portfolio also includes extensive consulting activities in the field of standardization, among others. The understanding of technical testing and sensor physics is also complemented by technologies and concepts from AI research. The decades-long understanding of applications and processes for materials and the products made from them continues to form a solid basis and provides the impetus for Fraunhofer IZFP's expanded research mission in the future: By adding aspects of digital signal and information processing, novel applications in domains such as critical infrastructure, the food industry, the sustainable circular economy, and resource protection and conservation become possible.

News from Research and Development


Press Release, 17.6.2024

Lower costs, less food waste: Multisensor scanner uses AI assistance to detect fruit and vegetable quality

With the global population continuing to grow, food waste not only presents a resource problem but also carries a significant cost factor. 


Press Release, 2.5.2024

5 million euros for the circular economy: Saarland invests in research collaborations

The transformation fund will be used to finance the establishment of two cooperative research groups in close cooperation between Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP. 


Fraunhofer President on a dialog tour


Presse Release, 1.3.2024

Revamped plastics recycling chain

Fraunhofer Waste4Future flagship project

Your contact for nondestructive testing methods (NDT) and NDT services

Do you have questions about NDT methods or services?

Then please contact our expert Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Schwender.

Our Research and Performance Centers

Fraunhofer Center for Sensor Intelligence ZSI

A joint strategic R&D initiative of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Saarland


Intelligent signal analysis and assistance systems


Research Center for Sensor Materials & Sensor Systems


Development of novel cognitive, adaptive sensor technology using compressed sensing

Our RSS-Newsfeed


BAU 2025

The future of building: BAU, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, takes place every two years. Everyone involved in the planning, construction and design of buildings internationally comes together here: Architects, planners, investors, industry and trade representatives, craftsmen and many more. The focus of their interest is on new technologies, new materials and new application possibilities that can be put into practice. Here, visitors can experience the future of construction at first hand. FutureMissionBuilding - - innovation impulses for a necessary transformation The special show of the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance presents innovations in three important transformation areas of construction: Affordability with a view to an urgent increase in productivity based on innovative solutions, productivity gains from digitalization and AI as well as sufficiency in the sense of a building type “E”. CO2-negative processes and building materials of a carbon capture usability strategy as well as energy-positive buildings, districts and cities are the focus of the sustainability exhibits presented. We interpret safety in terms of resilience to climate change with answers to the question of how we can protect our buildings against flooding, heat and extreme weather and at the same time transform the economy into a circular economy through innovative processes and product designs.
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Materials Processes Applications MPA Seminar 2024

Materials for future applications At the core of the MPA seminar’s attention lies the pivotal role of materials, where they confront a host of complex challenges. While steel in various forms as austenitic or martensitic continues to play a crucial role, evolving applications necessitate the use of other materials like nickel-based alloys, titanium and high-strength aluminum. Moreover, the introduction of innovative manufacturing processes enables the design and manufacturing of more complex structures and components and the utilization of a broader spectrum of materials. Nevertheless, the surging costs associated with increasingly precious alloying elements present formidable obstacles. Further challenges include but are not limited to highly flexible load cycles, material behaviour under harsh environments like extremely high and low temperatures as the bevhavior under the influence of media, especially biogas and hydrogen. The performance of materials dominates the performance of the end product, emphasizing the need for efficient resource utilization in their application.
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Ultrasonic hollow axles inspection system (HPS)

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