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Materials Processes Applications MPA Seminar 2024

Materials for future applications At the core of the MPA seminar’s attention lies the pivotal role of materials, where they confront a host of complex challenges. While steel in various forms as austenitic or martensitic continues to play a crucial role, evolving applications necessitate the use of other materials like nickel-based alloys, titanium and high-strength aluminum. Moreover, the introduction of innovative manufacturing processes enables the design and manufacturing of more complex structures and components and the utilization of a broader spectrum of materials. Nevertheless, the surging costs associated with increasingly precious alloying elements present formidable obstacles. Further challenges include but are not limited to highly flexible load cycles, material behaviour under harsh environments like extremely high and low temperatures as the bevhavior under the influence of media, especially biogas and hydrogen. The performance of materials dominates the performance of the end product, emphasizing the need for efficient resource utilization in their application.
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14. InnoTrans 2024

Aufgeteilt in die fünf Messesegmente Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors und Tunnel Construction, belegt die InnoTrans alle 42 Hallen des Berliner Messegeländes. Die InnoTrans Convention, das hochkarätige Rahmenprogramm der Veranstaltung, komplementiert die Fachmesse und wird live gestreamt. Ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist das Gleis- und Freigelände der InnoTrans mit 3.500 laufenden Schienenmetern, auf denen vom Kesselwagen bis zum Hochgeschwindigkeitszug alles vertreten ist. Das Bus Display bietet Fahrzeugherstellern die Möglichkeit, Busse im Static Display und auf dem direkt angebundenen Demonstration Course zu präsentieren. Veranstaltet wird die InnoTrans von der Messe Berlin. Vom 24. - 27. September 2024 wird die Messe zum vierzehnten Mal stattfinden.
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32nd EUSPICO 2024

EUSIPCO is the premier European conference on signal processing. The 32nd edition will be held in Lyon, at the Lyon Convention Center, located close to the downtown area, the historic district and the train station. The EUSIPCO 2024 edition will have a specific flavour, with a focus on interdisciplinary research in signal and image processing, geared toward major societal challenges.
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ICRT2024丨The 3rd International Conference on Rail Transportation

ICRT2024 is devoted to provide an international forum for scientists, researchers, and engineers around the world to exchange the knowledge, ideas and experiences in rail transportation planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance. The Second International Conference on Rail Transportation (ICRT2021) was a meaningful innovation. Nearly 300 participants attended the conference on site and almost 10,000 scholars participated in the keynote lectures through the online platform. The participants shared and discussed their latest research results and gained new ideas and methods of rail transportation development. Moreover, the introduction of innovative manufacturing processes enables the design and manufacturing of more complex structures and components and the utilization of a broader spectrum of materials. Nevertheless, the surging costs associated with increasingly precious alloying elements present formidable obstacles. Further challenges include but are not limited to highly flexible load cycles, material behaviour under harsh environments like extremely high and low temperatures as the bevhavior under the influence of media, especially biogas and hydrogen. The performance of materials dominates the performance of the end product, emphasizing the need for efficient resource utilization in their application.
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Ultraschall-Hohlwellenprüfsystem (HPS)

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inspECT – DeepFlawDetector

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3MA-II, 3MA-X8 und BEMI

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Jobs / Karriere

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Fraunhofer-Leitprojekt ORCHESTER

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Erweiterungsbau des Fraunhofer IZFP

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Guided Ultrasonic Waves: Emerging Methods (GUWEM) Workshop

In Europe, we have a small but vibrant community of researchers working on the theory and practical use of elastic waveguides for material characterization, nondestructive testing, structural health monitoring and sensors. This workshop aims to provide a platform where these groups with diverse interests can meet and exchange ideas. Current advances in the field will be presented in the form of talks and posters. The goal is not only to exchange but also to interconnect, creating opportunities for valuable collaborations. The event is organized by the »Institut Langevin“ and the „Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)«. It is supported by the »Société Française d’Acoustique (SFA)« and the »Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)«.
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2024 Far East NDT Forum

Das 2024 Far East NDT Forum (2024 FENDT Forum) wird vom 24. bis 27. Juni 2024 im Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort in der Provinz Guangdong, China, stattfinden (24. Juni für die Anmeldung, anschließend drei Tage für die Teilnahme an der Tagung). Zu den Organisatoren des FENDT-Forums 2024 gehören das Guangdong Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research, die South China University of Technology, das Beijing Institute of Technology, die Guangdong Society of Mechanical Engineering Nondestructive Testing Branch, das Zhongshan Polytechnic, das Zhongshan Institute of Advanced Cryogenic Technology, die Zhuhai Nondestructive Testing Society und die Nanjing Huanqiu East Testing Science and Technology Company.
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connect@htw saar 2024

Die positive Resonanz der vergangenen Jahre – von Seiten sowohl der Studierenden als auch der Unternehmen – hat uns darin bestätigt, dieses Konzept wieder zum Leben zu erwecken und unseren Studierenden den direkten Austausch mit den Unternehmen anzubieten. Mit der connect@htw saar bietet die htw saar Studierenden aller Semester und Absolvent(inn)en die Plattform, mit Unternehmen in Kontakt zu treten. Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, regionale und überregionale Unternehmen verschiedenster Branchen kennenzulernen und bauen Sie erste Kontakte zu potenziellen Arbeitgebern auf. An den Messeständen können Sie im persönlichen Gespräch Tätigkeitsfelder, Anforderungsprofile sowie Entwicklungs- und Einstiegsmöglichkeiten besprechen.
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