Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark  /  March 17, 2025  -  March 20, 2025


51st Annual Meeting on Acoustics

DAS | DAGA 2025 marks the seventh in the series promoted by DEGA to encourage cooperation and exchange across borders. Following Austria, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands and Italy, we are pleased to extend this horizon to a Nordic country. Organizing this collaborative event is particularly exciting. The conference will be in the spirit of the rich Danish tradition in Acoustics. It is almost impossible to mention acoustic measurements, hearing aids, loudspeakers, or room acoustics without acknowledging the strong visibility of both the Danish industry and the country's scientific community.

The conference will be hosted at the Bella Centre, one of Scandinavia's largest exhibition and conference centers, located in Ørestad between Copenhagen city centre and Copenhagen Airport. This well-connected venue offers excellent facilities for our scientific presentations, colloquia, meetings, exhibitions, workshops, professional exchanges, and creative interactions.

The technical program will feature plenary lectures, invited and contributed talks, and poster presentations covering all aspects of acoustics. Additional special events will focus on Early Career Acousticians, Acoustics in Industry, and public outreach. Excursions to relevant institutions and a social evening in the historic “VEGA” in the heart of Copenhagen will also be part of the experience.

DAS | DAGA 2025 is organized by DEGA, DAS, and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), in collaboration with the Danish Sound Cluster. Contributing colleagues from universities and institutions in both countries span diverse acoustic disciplines, resulting in a stimulating conference program with broad appeal and opportunity for exchange.